Hi,I’m USK(@usk_investment)in JAPAN ,investigating the blockchain project, like PundiX.
This time, I attended the PundiX meetup in Tokyo, So, the following is the report.
About PundiX? PundiXとは?
PundiXのプロジェクト状況 : PundiX project status

PUNDI X listed on BINANCE and BITZ !
Please refer to the above article about the status of development.
PundiX(NPXS,NPXSXEM)Tokyo meetup Report. 東京ミートアップレポート
Venu ,Date and Time 場所・開催日時
The venue was a kitchen studio, after meat-up, light meals and alcohol were distributed with social gatherings in a standing-style format.
Date:Tuesday, Jun 26, 2018 Time: 19:30~21:30
venu:TOKYO, Patia JINBOU-Cho
Organizer:Pundi Labo Japan
開催日時:2018年6月26日(火) 19:30~21:30
主催者:Pundi Labo Japan
PundiX Vice President Peko Wan san’s Speech
PundiXのプロジェクト思想と日本への展開における課題:PundiX Project philosophy & Task for rollout in Japan
Peko Wan san is Vice President and head of Communications @PundiXLabs.
Based in Taipei, she joined Opera Software in February 2009.
and she joined PundiX last year 2018.
Happy #Sunday and #FathersDay , Pundians. Hope you all enjoy the weekend. @binance Community Coin of the Month voting is on. It will end at 2018/06/19 0:00 AM (UTC). Take a cue from our VP @peko0413 how to vote:
Voting Link: https://t.co/oSNZClby5G. Let’s vote $NPXS and hodl $BNB pic.twitter.com/9S7HH0zeS5— Pundi X Official Account (Pls do not send ETH) (@PundiXLabs) 2018年6月17日
She took part of the blockchain conference in a same day, June 26, 2018,
with Nanna san , Japan branch manager and , General Counsel of PundiX.
PundiX日本法人の支社長 Nannaさん(左)とPundiXのプロジェクト弁護士としてジョインしているDavid Ben Kay 氏(右)の姿も見えます。↓
In #Tokyo now with @DavidBenKay and Tanaka-San, our country manager of @PundiXLabs_jp at Japan Blockchain Conference @japan_bcc. Thousands of people queuing to get in the conference. Wow! pic.twitter.com/FDWfcT4WD6
— Peko Wan (@peko0413) 2018年6月26日
Her speech from her heart was very woderfull.
She told the mission of Pundi X, is to make buying cryptocurrency as easy as buying bottled water. As the Walmart and 7-Eleven of cryptocurrency, PundiX want users to buy and use cryptocurrency anytime anywhere.
In Japan as well, PundiX are currently negotiating a lot with the Financial Services Agency, but maybe, it takes quite a lot of time.
Negotiating point in JAPAN:
1.The Radio Law
2.FSA License &Guidance compliant
3.Approval for non‐contact type of POS device
- 電波法に対する認可における課題
- FSA(金融庁)からのライセンス取得、ガイダンス準拠の必要性
- POSデバイスハードウェア非接触型の認可における課題
XPOS works wirelessly. The Operating System adopts Android,It is necessary for NFC and wireless LAN modules to be approved by FSA.
Looking at the movement of the Financial Services Agency and politicians against the crypto currency, speaking of Japan alone, I think it will be difficult for this XPOS to spread explosively.
Pundi X to drive a planned global rollout of 100,000 units of XPOS .
I think XPOS should rapidly expand outside Japan !!
Fot Japanese , it’s too sad . But we believe in !
Releases for new product NEM XPOS. 世界初!NEM XPOSのお披露目!
XPOS is Specializing in settlement . 決済に特化したPOSデバイス
Please see my tweet for XPOS demo !
xposデモ。#pundix #NPXS pic.twitter.com/KZIHI7gGHw
— USK_blockchain-多刀流&ストック型副業・起業実践中 (@usk_investment) 2018年6月26日
By simple operation, we can coffee by crypto currency!
XPOS is designed to cooperate with exchanges in each country and pull price information via the network.
Each XPOS device itself turns into an exchange.
Operational design that maintains or enhances the value of NPXS itself is also considered properly.
As PundiX ‘s base chain, PundiX adopted the Ethiaryam.
Because of the limit for future scalability, in front of the ETH Chain, PundiX adopted the NEM chain.
I understand that PundiX blockchain is a hybrid chain of Ether & NEM.
In Japan there is a strong NEM community !!
Security measure セキュリティ対策
Implementation どのような観点が実装されているか
Since PundiX supports various kinds of settlement processing such as virtual currency and cash, credit card settlement, ApplePay, etc., various security measures are implemented.
・XPASS card (smart card)
Hard wallet that can complement purchased virtual currency.The One storing the secret key and the another one piece storing the virtual currency with the unique QRA mechanism to ensure safety with one set. When we arer perchasing on XPOS by XPASS Card, Pass code is required.
・Money laundering and countermeasures against fraud
・Skimming measures
At the moment of disassembling the XPOS or trying to extract the medium inside, the hardware Protocol is activated, data is deleted. And a alert is raised to Pundi headquarters
- XPASSカード(スマートカード)
パスコードが必要 - マネーローダリング・詐欺対策
- スキミング対策
About back office management sytem, such as nventory management, sales totalization, multiple store management etc . バックオフィス機能(在庫管理や売り上げ集計、複数店舗マネジメントなど)
In this regard, I was interested and asked a question.
Now, pundiX does not consider implementation on the PundiX chain or system, the separately third party applications and systems will install to the XPOSS.
Certainly, the management way for each retail store is different, and external attachment may be good. Since the base OS is Android, there will be many developers, and better NPXS applications will be developed.
Overall Impression 全体所感
Impression for PundiX meetup. ミートアップ参加しての感想
This time, I participated for the first time in such meet-up, but it’s still good.
I can see the face of the PundiX development and management side directly.
PundiX is a very honest and well considered project!
As of the end of June 2018, the price of the NPXS token itself has declined slightly, because of the increasing number of exchanges and rumors of the selling NPXS hacked with coin rails.
However, I would like to continue to have a stance to HODL this NPXS.
CEO ZAC seems to be looking at 1NPXS = 1 doller as a target !
Are you sure? :)
あ、そうそう、懇親の場でPundiXの中の人にお聞きしたのですが、CEOのZACは 1NPXS=100円 はターゲットとして見据えているようですよ!(願望も含めて)